Saturday, August 4, 2012

A few of my greatest hopes for you both….

1. That I can instill in both of you a love of learning. That you will pursue higher education. That you will devour all the books that you can. That you will never stop seeking knowledge in all its forms. An education is one of the few and precious things that can never be taken from you.

2. That you travel the world! Go, do, and see as much as you can. Soak up all that this beautiful world has to offer.

3. Find the things that you are passionate about and pursue them all your life. Be it sports, writing, painting, music, photography or a combination of things-fill your life with things that engage your spirit.

4. Never be afraid to speak up when you think that something is unfair or unjust. Doing the right thing may not always be the popular thing, but it will always be worth it.

5. I hope that one day you know what it feels like to love another person with all of your heart. Take your time (lots and lots of time!). Don’t rush any matters of the heart. Love is an amazing gift and I hope that you both find people that you love totally and completely and faithfully. And that they love you back in the same beautiful way.

7. I wish that I could spare you both all of the heartaches that life will deal to you. But I hope that you see the pain that you will be submitted to as a lesson in life. Think of it as part of your life story. Things happen for a reason. Even bad things. You will come through it all wiser and better as long you have the right attitude about it.

8. Pick friends wisely. Find people-good people- that will be around through the good and through the bad. People who will lift you up and enrich your lives. Never allow yourselves to be treated poorly by someone who calls themselves your friends.

9. Always remember that your dad and I are here for you no matter what.  It is our job to care for you and guide you and support you. Never be too scared to tell us anything. Our love for you knows no limits and has no conditions and it will always be that way. We may not always have the answers but we are a family and we are in this together. There is nothing that we can’t do.

My heart can barely hold all the hope it holds for you both. You are still so small right now but time is moving faster and faster. I have no idea what your lives will hold, what you will do or who you will become. But I am certain that the best thing that I will ever do in my life has already begun. Whatever you accomplish, you will always be my lifes greatest work.

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